Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Basics: Creating a Holiday Home Video

When it comes to shooting holiday video, many of us simply hit the ‘record’ button and shoot whatever is in front of us. Maybe we ask people to say something; they offer an awkward smile and a wave and we’re off to the next unsuspecting family member. This year, take a few basic tips and let them transform your home video from amateur to extraordinary!

Beat the Crowds: If possible, take a few moments to video the surroundings before guests arrive. Zoom in on the decorations; shoot video of the tree, the presents or a cherished family photograph. If you have holiday lights or decorations outside the house, shoot some video of the front of the house as well as any snow or frost in the area. During the editing process (and editing is easier than you think), you can use these moments at the beginning of the video or as part of a transition.

Capture the Kitchen: Everyone knows that most of the real action happens in the kitchen! Capturing the conversations of family members reminiscing about holidays past, cooking together and enjoying one another’s company can make for a very personal and memorable holiday video. Try to stay back a bit—zoom in if possible—but keep your physical distance. You don’t want to intrude or hinder the natural flow of the conversation with your presence.

Get Some Support: This is one of those times when a tripod is an invaluable tool. Not only will it help you keep your shots steady, it can also become a fixture in a room—people will get used to it after awhile and you can capture more natural interactions. In fact, you can leave your camera running in one location for a bit; you’d be amazed at some of the unscripted gems you’ll record. Just keep an eye on your recording time! We have a number of high quality tripod options—just consider it an early Christmas present!

The Fun Interview Corner: Consider creating a small studio in the corner of a room to have friends and relatives share stories and sentiments on video. Offer lead-in questions such as, “What do you love most about the holidays?”, “What is your favorite holiday tradition?”, or “What is your funniest holiday memory?” Consider using an attractive chair and a small table with a family photo as shooting location. Also, pay attention to lighting—you don’t want your subject to appear harsh or washed out. Experiment with existing lighting and consider adding a small fill light if necessary.

Editing with Ease: If you’re new to video editing, get ready for a fun adventure! Don’t feel that you have to be proficient immediately. Instead, enjoy learning the basics—you’d be amazed at the quality of projects you can create with even the most basic software programs. Here are just a few programs for you to consider (please note we are not endorsing these choices, only sharing with you the most highly rated options):

· Adobe Lightroom

· Adobe Premiere Elements 9

· Apple Aperture

· Apple iMovie ‘11

· Corel Digital Studio 2010

· Cyberlink PowerDirector 8 Deluxe

· Windows Live Movie Maker 2011

Short Clips for Sharing: You can create short clips to share on Facebook, YouTube and on your personal blog. It’s a great way to connect with distant loved ones who were unable to attend.

The Perfect Gift: Once your video project is complete, send copies to everyone on your family gift list. Your storytelling skills will be warmly appreciated and your project will likely be one of the most valued and personal gifts your family has ever received.

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