Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Getting Great Underwater Photos

Summer means swimming pools and ocean depths, and those fun moments can be photographed even when everyone is wet! Aquatic photography does require a bit more planning and additional equipment, but for those who venture into this form of imaging, the results are well worth the effort.

Many of the same basic photographic principles apply regardless of whether your subject is in the shallow end of a pool or immersed in the Pacific. However, different environments do require different considerations. It’s important to remember safety above all, so make sure that you have the proper training and certification, and always be aware of your environment. Shooting underwater requires learning how to work within certain constraints and limitations such as a confined space, fast moving sea life and limited light.

Consider these tips the next time you consider shooting underwater:

Hone your Diving Skills: If you’re shooting in the deep, you’ll need to be able to keep yourself stable. Buoyancy control is very important in this environment and can have a great impact on the results you achieve.

Keep it Close: You’ll want to shoot your subjects closer than normal. Try to keep the distance less than two feet if possible. The water will ‘swallow’ light and getting well-illuminated shots is far more challenging if you’re shooting from farther away. You’ll also find that color fades the deeper you dive, so this is another consideration. Your flash won’t be as effective either, so try to close the gap between you and your subject.

Enlarge Your Subject: Try shooting upward to better capture your subject. This approach makes subjects appear grander and will allow you to show greater detail as well. This is a powerful technique in aquatic photography that adds scale and dimension to underwater life.

Pool Fun Photos: Try to shoot when the sun is overhead and strong, which is usually between 10am-2pm. This allows you to use the robust light to your advantage. You can also experiment with capturing action dive shots above and below water. Try a few test runs (kids love to ‘cannonball,’ so this shouldn’t be a problem) to make sure your placement allows you to capture the best shots.

Waterproofing Options: If underwater photography is something you’d like to pursue in a regular basis, consider purchasing a waterproof camera. There are a variety of models that can operate in wet conditions without fear of damage. If you prefer to use your existing camera, there are a number of watertight camera housings that will allow you to take your camera into the deep. Stop by our store and we’ll be put together the right solution for you.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Rent Scenic Backgrounds.com by Westcott

Would you like to save hundreds of dollars and have your images be the talk of the town? If you answered yes, then you've found the right place. Most companies charge about $300.00 to buy one single scenic background that only gives you one look for all the images you take. No one wants their photo to look the same as their neighbors did. Would you?

For only $49.99 (or $29.99 for those of you that most likely have "the coupon code") you could rent 6-10 backgrounds for the same price you could buy just one.

For you senior portrait and fashion photographers, options of over 100 backgrounds can set you apart from your competition ~ that has been using the same bench and garden background for years. Let your client choose backgrounds ahead of time, discuss clothing, then have it shipped in for the shoot and returned within a week.

For the photo enthusiast, get creative! Holiday cards, greeting cards, birthday invitations and more. The list is endless. The amount of things you can place an image onto now is mind boggling. Blankets, mouse pads, coffee cups, clothing...give a gift that is personalized and unique.

Take a look at what Westcott has to offer!

SAVE $20!

Use Code:AM0662QZ

Monday, July 20, 2009

Looking for Shiny Happy People.

We are so fortunate that Fort Worth Camera is continuing to grow. Due to this growth, we are looking to expand our fortune to "shiny happy people" (any R.E.M. fans?) who are looking for a fast paced professional environment?  We have both part-time and full-time positions available. Retail experience is a plus; reliability and  an energetic personality is a must. What are your strengths... we want to know!

Graphics: fluent in Photoshop, iPhoto, Aperture, Lightroom, etc.
Specialty Sales: cars, jewelry, boats, homes, pharmaceuticals, etc.
Retail: Department store sales, Jack in the box, Payless, etc.
Photography Experience: My Kids only, Point and shoot only, SLR's, Studio Photography, Weddings, Freelance, etc.

How to apply: Please come in to fill out a mini-application at Fort Worth Camera , 2900 W. 6th. St, Fort Worth, TX 76107 during store hours. Bring in your resume and INCLUDE your contacts and reference. 

Saturday, July 11, 2009

In Loving Memory

David Pearson

Fort Worth Camera will be closing at Noon on Monday, July 13 to honor our beloved David Pearson. FWC staff will be attending memorial service.
He was a dear friend to many and forever will be missed.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Dallas Zoo Photography Contest

Feathers Fur & Scales

 Photographs taken at the Dallas Zoo between April 1, 2009 and September 30, 2009 are eligible for competition.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

"Pic of the Day"

Visit our new blog and participate. Share your favorite images with friends, family and the Fort Worth Camera supporting community.